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Submit Accomplishments, Awards, and Publications
A form for faculty, staff, and trainees to submit their awards, accomplishments, and publications for us to recognize.
Pharmacology & THerapeutics
Department Forms
Find common forms for departmental and university activities and compliance.
Discover and learn UF GO
UF GO Travel/Pcard
List of UF GO resources and toolkits to process your travel requests, travel reimbursements, meal reimbursements and Pcard purchases.
Funding your Lab Outing
Lab Outing Forms
These forms are used for the request and reimbursement of expenses related to lab outings, ensuring compliance with UF policies and maintaining fiscal responsibilities within the Department.
Lenel Access
Common Room Access Forms
The Department is committed to managing secure access to common room equipment. We recognize the importance of flexibility in the workplace while also valuing the essential security management of equipment, which requires in-person work of many individuals using these common pieces of equipment provided by the Department. In pursuit of these objectives, the Department established an access model that supports flexibility to give and remove access to these common room spaces as needed.
Send & Receive Fax via Email
UF faculty and staff can send and receive faxes using their preferred email client (e.g. Outlook). This service is available to those using the University Exchange or Office 365 email system.
Update your headshot
Get an Official UF Health Headshot
The link below will allow you to view open studio hours. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view directions and schedule of open hours.
College of medicine
COM Letter of Support Request
Request Letters of Support for your grant submissions through the Colloge of Medicine. Please submit your requests at least 2 weeks before your DSP deadline, particularly if you are requesting financial support.
Update Your Directory Profile
Update Your UF Health Directory Page
Updating your directory listing is easy! Click the “Update my Profile” button on the linked below and follow the prompts. Be sure to update your profile with your middle initial and research interests.
UF Animal care
Animal Care Services
Provides comprehensive support, training and education essential to promoting the humane treatment, care and use of
animals in UF facilities.
Faculty guidebook: Tenure
Blue Book
A guide for faculty members on the tenure track.
Faculty guidebook: Non-Tenure
Orange Book
A guide for faculty members on multi-mission and single-mission tracks.
College of medicine
Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
Find promotion & tenure guidelines and other information faculty resources.
child care
Baby Gator Child Care
Baby Gator Child Development Centers offer high quality care to children ages six weeks to five years. Children grow and learn in a safe and healthy environment with a caring and attentive staff of well-trained early childhood educators.