Undeclared Student
Year 1 – Fall Semester
- GMS 6001: Fundamentals of Biomedical Science, 5 credits
- GMS 6003: Essentials of Graduate Research & Professional Development, 1 credit
- GMS 6090: Research in Medical Science, BMS Laboratory Rotations 1&2, 2 credits
- GMS 6895: CTs Journal Club, 1 credit
- Total = 9 credits
Year 1 – Spring Semester
- GMS 6009: Principles of Drug Action & Therapeutics, 3 credits
- GMS 7877: Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Research, 1 credit
- GMS 6895: Cts Journal Club, 1 credit
- GMS 6090: Research in Medical Science, BMS Laboratory Rotation 3, 1 credit
- Electives*
- Total = 9 credits
Year 1 – Summer Semester
- GMS 7979: Advanced Research, 1-6 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 6 credits
Year 2 – Fall Semester
- GMS 6590: Seminar in Pharmacology (Data Discussions), 1 credit
- GMS 7593: Advances in Pharmacology Journal Club, 1 credit
- GMS 7979: Advanced Research, 2-5 credits
- GMS 6847: Translational Research & Therapeutics: Bench, Bedside, Community, & Policy, 3 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 9 credits
Year 2 – Spring Semester
- GMS 6590: Seminar in Pharmacology (Data Discussions), 1 credit
- GMS 7593: Advances in Pharmacology Journal Club, 1 credit
- GMS 7979: Advanced Research, 2-5 credits
- GMS 6560: Molecules to Man: Past, Present and Future Therapeutic Strategies for Disease, 3 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 9 credits
Year 2 – Summer Semester
- GMS 7979: Advanced Research, 1-6 credits
- GMS 5905: Pharmacology Grant Writing, 1 credit
- Electives*
- Total = 6 credits
Declared Student
Year 1 – Fall Semester
- GMS 6003: Essentials of Graduate Research & Professional Development, 1 credit
- GMS 6090: Research in Medical Science, BMS Laboratory Rotations 1 & 2, 2 credits
- GMS 6847: Translational Research & Therapeutics: Bench, Bedside, Community, & Policy, 3 credits
- GMS 7593: Advances in Pharmacology Journal Club, 1 credit
- Electives*
- Total = 9 credits
- (Students are expected to attend GMS 6590: Student Data Discussions in Pharmacology)
Year 1 – Spring Semester
- GMS 6009: Principles of Drug Action & Therapeutics, 3 credits GMS 7877: Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Research, 1 credit
- GMS 6590: Student Data Discussions in Pharmacology, 1 credit
- GMS 7979: Advanced Research, 1-4 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 9 credits
Year 1 – Summer Semester
- GMS 7979: Advanced Research, 1-6 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 6 credits
Year 2 – Fall Semester
- GMS 6590: Seminar in Pharmacology (Data Discussions), 1 credit
- GMS 7593: Advances in Pharmacology Journal Club, 1 credit
- GMS 7979: Advanced Research, 2-5 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 9 credits
Year 2 – Spring Semester
- GMS 6590: Seminar in Pharmacology (Data Discussion) 1 credit
- GMS 7593: Advances in Pharmacology Journal Club, 1 credit
- GMS 7979: Advanced Research, 2-5 credits
- GMS 6560: Molecules to Man: Past, Present and Future Therapeutic Strategies for Disease, 3 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 9 credits
Year 2 – Summer Semester
- GMS 7979: Advanced Research, 1-6 credits
- GMS 5905: Pharmacology Grant Writing, 1 credit
- Electives*
- Total = 6 credits
Year 3 – Fall Semester
- GMS 6590: Seminar in Pharmacology (Data Discussions), 1 credit
- GMS 7593: Advances in Pharmacology Journal Club, 1 credit
- GMS 7979: Advanced Research, 2-7 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 9 credits
Year 3 – Spring Semester
- GMS 6590: Seminar in Pharmacology (Data Discussions), 1 credit
- GMS 7593: Advances in Pharmacology Journal Club, 1 credit
- GMS 7980: Doctoral Research, 2-7 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 9 credits
Year 3+ – Summer Semester(s)
- GMS 7980: Doctoral Research, 1-6 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 6 credits
Year 4+ – Fall/Spring Semester(s)
- GMS 6590: Seminar in Pharmacology (Data Discussions), 1 credit
- GMS 7593: Advances in Pharmacology Journal Club, 1 credit
- GMS 7980: Doctoral Research, 2-7 credits
- Electives*
- Total = 9 credits
- All Pharmacology students are required to register for a journal club each Fall and Spring semester beginning in their second year. Students are encouraged to participate in the journal club that suits their area of research and should consult with their mentor about enrollment. They do not have to take GMS 7593 if another journal club is better suited.
- Students will register for GMS 7979 (Advanced Research) until granted Ph.D. Candidacy. The semester following candidacy, student will register for GMS 7980 (Doctoral Research).
- Example: Year 3, Fall Semester, student is enrolled in GMS 7979, qualifies mid-October. Student will register for GMS 7980 Year 3, Spring Semester.
- Total number of credits reflected are at the minimum requirement for a Graduate Assistant. Student may take more credits as necessary or desired but should seek the approval from their mentor first.