If you would like to volunteer in the Department of Pharmacolgy & Therpaeutics, please complete the steps below. Note that you should have reached an agreement with a specific faculty or staff member in the Department prior to completing this.
Volunteer’s application packets need to be filled out by the volunteer, submitted (via the form below), and approved by COM-HR BEFORE a volunteer can physically begin work in the lab. The volunteer status gives them liability coverage under Workers’ Comp. Volunteer appointments can be up to one year. If you are a UF student who is enrolled in at least 1 research credit of BMS 4905 (College of Medicine Undergrad Research) after the semester that you want to volunteer, please DO NOT follow the steps below. Once enrolled, you can volunteer.
- Please have the supervisor fill out this letter before you upload it. Upon receipt, HR will route the letter for the necessary signatures.
- Training needed to be taken by Volunteer (upload copy of training certificate)
3. General Compliance Training (PBC810)
- Training needed to be taken by Volunteer (upload copy of training certificate)
- Training needed to be taken by Volunteer, only if they will be accessing student data (upload copy of training certificate)
- Please have the supervisor fill out this letter before you upload it. Upon receipt, HR will route the form for the necessary signatures.
6. Copy of Government Issued ID
- Image provided by Volunteer (ex. driver’s license)
7. Copy of I-94 front and back, EAD, I-20 and/or D2019 (only if Foreign National)
8. Authorization for Volunteer Service Treatment of Minors
- To be filled out by Volunteer, if under 18 years old
Note: Background checks will be conducted on all volunteer applicants. Please upload all applicable documents for you application below and an HR representative will be in touch as soon as your application is received and approved.