Department Forms

FedEx Label Request

Need a shipping International or Domestic shipping label? Fill out the form and it will automatically be sent to the PharmT Office. The old PDF forms can be found here as well.

fed ex

Funding your Lab Outing

Lab Outing Forms

These forms are used for the request and reimbursement of expenses related to lab outings, ensuring compliance with UF policies and maintaining fiscal responsibilities within the Department.

Lab event

Lenel Access

Common Room Access Forms

The Department is committed to managing secure access to common room equipment. We recognize the importance of flexibility in the workplace while also valuing the essential security management of equipment, which requires in-person work of many individuals using these common pieces of equipment provided by the Department. In pursuit of these objectives, the Department established an access model that supports flexibility to give and remove access to these common room spaces as needed.

Common Room

Animal Risk Assessment Form

Individuals that have animal contact must participate in a risk assessment that includes contact information, health questionnaire and health assessment based upon the type of animal contact, and immunizations as needed.

animal risk assessment logo

Sole Source Certification

A Sole Source is an item/service that is only available from one source, regardless of its price. This may be due to uniqueness, newness on the market, the item being patent protected, etc. A lower price, faster delivery time and/or preferring to do business with a company is not a valid reason for selecting a particular company.

sole source certification