All Posts by

Alexa Switzer

Welcome to the Department!

Dr. May Khanna is one of our new associate professor in the department and will be serving the College as the inaugural Assistant Dean for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Welcome!…

New Award Alert

Dr. Jessie Barra received an Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowship, which is a highly competitive career transition award, from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Dr. Barra is a postdoc in the Russ lab. Congratulations Jessie on this terrific honor!…

New Award Alert

Both of the 2024 Thomas H. Maren M.D. Research Excellence awards from the College of Medicine were received by members of our Department. Dr. Jessie Barra received the Thomas H Maren Research Excellence Post-doctoral award from the College of Medicine. Dr. Daniel Kopinke received the Thomas H Maren…

Congratulations Dr. Guryanova!

Research led by Olga Guryanova’s lab was selected by the Journal of Experimental Medicine, a top journal in biomedical research, as one of the best papers in 2023. See the publication here. Congratulations Dr. Guryanova and team!…

Research Seminar: 12/13/2023

The Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics Seminar Series is pleased to have Dr. Joshua Wythe on December 13th, 2023 to speak on “Somatic KRAS gain of function mutations in sporadic brain arteriovenous malformations” Please join us in person at the Academic Research Building (ARB) R^5-265.

Research Seminar: 11/8/2023 at 11:00am

The Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics Seminar Series is pleased to have Dr. Paul Whiteaker on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 11:00am speak on “The how and where of prototoxin modulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor function.” Please join us in person at the Academic Research Building (ARB) R5-265…

Publication Alert: Papke Lab

Congratulations to the Papke Lab for their recent publication titled: “Pharmacological profiles and anti-inflammatory activity of pCN-diEPP and mCNdiEPP, new alpha9alpha10 nicotinic receptor ligands.” Inflammation-induced pain can be alleviated by targeting specific receptors in immune cells that control the production and release of pro- and anti-inflammatory substances.

2022 Summer Department Defenses

This summer semester, our department was extremely proud to hose three defenses: Yang Feng Jordan Bateman Aishwarya Kulkarni We are so proud of all our graduating students! Check out more about their defenses below. Final defense Yang Feng…

2022 Spring Department Defenses

This spring semester, our department was extremely proud to host one defense: Christian Kreiger We are so proud of all our graduating students! Check out more about their defenses below. Thesis defense Christian Kreiger…