Publication Alert: Moehle Lab

Effects of M4 Receptor on Basal Ganglia

Congratulations to the Moehle lab for their recent publication titled “The muscarinic M4 acetylcholine receptor exacerbates symptoms of movement disorders

The research found the following perspectives:

  • The development of M4 selective compounds is an exciting and important development for the investigation and treatment of movement disorders.
  • M4 both directly and indirectly counters DA transmission in the basal ganglia, and are present at multiple loci that have potential disease-modifying effects.
  • Potentiation of M4 reduces symptoms hyper-dopaminergic diseases such as HD and LID, and M4 antagonism reduces symptoms of hypo-dopaminergic diseases such as dystonia and PD.
  • Future investigations into M4 plasticity in movement disorders are necessary. The disease-modifying effects of M4 need to be further investigated, and specific symptoms and aberrant neuroplasticity that are improved by M4 modulation should be defined.